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Approx. 21 Hours


10 Modules



Distinguishing the best sales professionals requires demanding action-based learning programs that are personalized and focused on individual improvement as a means to enhance the overall performance of the sales team.

The ultimate goal of any strategy implemented by a company inevitably relies on improving sales results.

The implementation of specialized training programs should be considered one of the main competitive advantages in the business development of any company.

This can only be achieved in one way: by enhancing the commercial skills and sales techniques of their sales teams.

At Noval Properties, through our Noval Academy Sales School specialized in real estate training, we have developed a range of Continuous and Ad-Hoc Training programs and initiatives tailored to the needs of our sales teams and collaborators, turning them into competitive advantages.

Why Noval Academy?


Our collaborators speak for us. We work with leading companies in the industry whose satisfaction is our main reference.


Based on each type of need and project, we employ a balanced combination of different methodologies and techniques as key to achieving the defined objectives.


We have total commitment and determination to achieve common goals in each project. To do this, we involve all team members to engage and participate in the success of each project.


Because we carry out training programs focused on practical implementation, providing a realistic sense of the scope and impact of our work.


Due to our resolute and continuous pursuit of total quality in our actions, through the utmost rigor and professionalism in the execution of all processes that make up each of the projects in which we contribute.

Reasons to trust Noval Academy


Increase Return on Investment. More professional salespeople with greater skills and knowledge achieve better sales, whether we are talking about quantity or quality indicators.

Escudo o seguridad

Enhance the sense of belonging. A company that is concerned with the training and promotion of its fellow travelers receives a higher level of satisfaction, increasing organizational effectiveness and maximizing loyalty between entities.


The Noval Academy Sales School allows understanding customers, how to treat them, how to personalize sales actions, and enables better optimization of sales processes.

How does participating in the training programs offered by Noval Academy benefit you?


Professionalizing and refining the sales force


Certifying the knowledge of sales teams


Engaging the organization as a whole, enabling alignment of strategic objectives with sales objectives


Improving the customer acquisition ratio


Increasing sales

How are the training programs developed?

The best way to learn something is by doing it, especially when it comes to the development of Sales Skills. We put into practice a variety of methodologies through the simulation of real situations, learning to develop competencies that strengthen personal and professional growth through practical experience.

We offer comprehensive training itineraries with different programs, delivered through in-person training, online platforms, and virtual communities.